A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: National Plan for Roma Inclusion 2021–2027. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése
A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: National Plan for Roma Inclusion 2021–2027. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése

2022. március 24., csütörtök

National Plan for Roma Inclusion 2021–2027

National Plan for Roma Inclusion 2021–2027

Publisher Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities of the Government of the Republic of Croatia 

"The efforts invested so far to equalize the position of members of the Roma national minority have resulted in considerable progress. Since the establishment of the Republic of Croatia, the number of Roma officially registered by the census has increased constantly, which speaks in favor of a reduced “ethnic mimicry” and shows that changes, although slowly, continuously lead to a reduction in the reasons underlying “ethnic mimicry”. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia recognizes the Roma as a national minority, the legislative framework provides them with representatives in the Croatian Parliament as well as at the regional and local government level. Also, Roma NGOs are organized noticeably better and participate in public and political life much more actively.

Progress has also been made in other aspects of life in the Roma community, particularly education. Pre-school attendance rates as well as primary school attendance and completion rates among children belonging to the Roma national minority have significantly increased, and we are witnessing serious efforts to provide adequate support to as many children belonging to the Roma national minority as possible from an early age.

Specific progress, mostly of a regional character, can be noticed in the field of employment and housing, but still – in most key areas of life no progress has been achieved that would equalize the living conditions of the Roma population with the rest of the Croatian population.

Given the abundant amount of data, both at the EU and national level, that can be used to monitor the effects of previous public policies, it can be concluded that they have certainly contributed to halting negative trends, even in times of severe economic crises, but still failed to make headway a significant reduction or complete elimination of inequality between the Roma and other Croatian citizens.

The objective of the National Plan for Roma Inclusion 2021 – 2027 is to significantly reduce the differences between the general population of the Republic of Croatia and the Roma in the Republic of Croatia, but also to reduce differences within the Roma population compared to the Roma.

In addition to growing investments from the state budget and the budgets of regional and local self-government units, European funds can significantly contribute to meeting the objectives of the National Plan for Roma Inclusion 2021 – 2027 and thus contribute to equalizing the living conditions of all our citizens, and to meeting the goals of the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia."
